Delicate Drops

Delicate Drops – the gentleness of touch for smooth gliding in every moment.

Delicate Drops is our brand, created by the Corner69 team. Designed especially for you, it combines high quality, safety, and sophistication in products tailored to your needs and pleasures.

Our products, such as the Delicate Drops water-based lubricant, anal relaxing lubricant, and toy cleaner, are made from verified, skin-friendly ingredients free of harmful chemicals.

Delicate Drops intimate accessories provide a pleasant feel, long-lasting glide, and easy cleaning, and are compatible with all materials of your favorite toys.

Thanks to their gentle formulas, they are suitable for all skin types.

With Delicate Drops, we offer you the perfect balance between quality and affordability, allowing you to enjoy your most intimate moments with peace of mind.

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Magazinul cu accesorii erotice și îmbrăcăminte Svet Užitka a fost creat în 2011 cu dorința de a oferi clienților noștri o gamă largă de produse care aduc plăcere într-un fel sau altul și în același timp oferă o experiență excelentă de utilizare la cumpărături online.